The missing dashboard for PACER

The smartest way to get PACER court dockets and filings

PacerDash removes the hassle of manually checking PACER for docket updates and court filings. It's a single dashboard for all your cases. For lawyers, investors, journalists, and anyone who needs real-time access to federal court filings.


“Getting court documents shouldn’t be like pulling teeth. This startup agrees.” — The Washington Post

Stay on top of the cases you are tracking

PacerDash imports data from hundreds of federal court jurisdictions so that you can access all your cases from a single dashboard.

Smarter and faster access to PACER data

Get real-time access to any federal district court or bankruptcy case.

Instant access to dockets and filings

Access dockets and download filings with a single click. View or share PDFs from any device. Everything is saved in your dashboard so there's no need to maintain a local copy of the docket.

A single dashboard for all your cases

Search and import cases from 190+ federal district and bankruptcy courts. Quickly identify recently active cases. Add and remove cases from your dashboard as needed.

Sensible flat-rate pricing

Whether you tracking hundreds of dockets or just a single case, there is a plan for you. Our flat-rate plans require no long-term commitment. There is no need for you to have a separate PACER login.

Intelligent docket monitoring

We've spent years building the most advanced and reliable docket tracking platform on the market. Our enterprise-class systems monitor thousands of docket events every day.

Automated email alerts

We automatically monitor every case you add to your dashboard, and send you an email alert whenever our systems detect new docket activity. Never miss another filing.

Custom notification preferences

Choose whether to get notified of all new activity, or a digest summary of case activity.
People working on laptops

Our technology

The most advanced docket tracking tool on the market

We've spent years building the most sophisticated and reliable docket tracking platform on the market. We use enterprise-grade servers, 24/7 polling, and multiple data sources — allowing us to deliver alerts with the lowest possible latency.

95,000+ daily docket events processed by our software.

10 years of reliable service provided by our company.

3.5 million cases indexed in our case database, growing every minute.

5,000+ weekly docket alerts delivered to our subscribers.

Streamlined Access to PACER

Lightning fast case search

Locating dockets has never been easier. Run index number queries across multiple PACER courts simultaneously. Search our local case database by title keyword, filing date, and other criteria.

Inbox user interface

Instantly import dockets and filings

After locating a case, save it to your dashboard. We'll import the full docket and keep it synced. You can quickly search, sort, and filter through the entire docket sheet.

Need a filing? Instantly retrieve documents using document credits. All purchased PDFs remain saved in your account for quick and easy access from any device.

PacerDash is currently closed to new subscribers

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